Preserving Sasak Lontar Heritage: Digital Image Enhancement using Active Contours

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Muhammad Tajuddin
Andi Sofyan Anas
Ahmat Adil


This research examines the object of Lontar Sasak’s images in digital format. The image is taken using a scanner that uses sound pressure waves that oscillate with a higher frequency (Ultrasonic) to measure distance and find objects that you want to know in Sasak lontar. Philologists still cannot detect the Sasak script on the Sasak Lontar based on the image alone, because the resulting image is still blurry and unclear. A more accurate detection of the Sasak Lontar Image is done by taking a CT (Computed Tomography) Scan image of the Sasak Lontar. However, the cost required for scanning is huge and not all Sasak lontar in the community and those in the NTB Museum still have limited scanning machines. The method used first inputs the RGB image of the Sasak Lontar and changes it to grayscale, then performs the contour initialization step, followed by Sasak Lontar script mapping using the Active Contour method, which produces binary segmentation. The next step is RGB segmentation, which is the result of Sasak script detection on the Sasak lontar. The purpose of this research is the application of the Grayscale-based Active Contour method to improve the readability of the Sasak lontar. This research can enhance the accuracy of script detection on the Sasak lontar using the Grayscale-based Active Contour method.


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How to Cite
Preserving Sasak Lontar Heritage: Digital Image Enhancement using Active Contours. (2024). ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Computer Science, 1(1), 198-203.

How to Cite

Preserving Sasak Lontar Heritage: Digital Image Enhancement using Active Contours. (2024). ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Computer Science, 1(1), 198-203.