ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Computer Science, the ASTEEC official proceeding, is published to advance scholarship in computer science study. The proceeding publishes original (not previously published) work of exceptional quality and interest related to computer science studies from all parts of the world without regard to substantive focus, theoretical orientation, or methodological approach. Although theoretically ambitious, empirically grounded articles are the core of our publication.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): ACP-CS: 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Technology Innovation (ICoSTEC)

ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Computer Science, the ASTEEC official proceeding, is published to advance scholarship in computer science study. The proceeding publishes original (not previously published) work of exceptional quality and interest related to computer science studies from all parts of the world without regard to substantive focus, theoretical orientation, or methodological approach. Although theoretically ambitious, empirically grounded articles are the core of our publication.

Published: 2024-11-27

Predictive Modeling of Graduation Outcomes in Islamic Boarding Schools Using Feedforward Neural Networks

Muhamad Sayid Amir Ali Lubis, Teddy Surya Gunawan, Wanayumini (Author)


Enhancing Gender Classification in Higher Education:An Approach with Inception V3 and Backpropagation

Muhammad Dipo Agung Rizky, Teddy Surya Gunawan, Wanayumini (Author)


Mining PUBG Winning Rates: Between Chicken Dinnerand In Game Traveling Distance

Veronica Wijaya, Teddy Surya Gunawan, Zakarias Situmorang (Author)


Implementation of a Plagiarism Detection SystemText Based

Progresif Buulolo, B. Herawan Hayadi, Dedi Hartama (Author)


Development Model of Higher College BusinessIncubation Program in Respati YogyakartaUniversity

Khaula Lutfiati Rohmah, Dian Rhesa Rahmayanti, Elisabeth Deta Lustiyati (Author)


Implementation of KOL marketing as a SME’s marketing strategy

Dian Rhesa Rahmayanti, Putra Wanda, Khaula Lutfiati Rohmah, Metty, Setyo Mahanani Nugroho, Elisabeth Deta Lustiyati (Author)


IoT-Based System for Detecting Grain Moisture Content to Improve Rice Harvest Quality

Eka Ismantohadi, Fachrul Pralienka Bani Muhamad, Fauzan Islakhuddin, Budi Warsito, Oky Dwi Nurhayati, Ade Alvi, Ikhwan Maulana Wachid (Author)


Application of Natural Language ProcessingTechnology For Making Agricultural Media Chatbots

KaruniamaN Buulolo, Rika Rosnelly, Zakarias Situmorang (Author)


Comparative Analysis of Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithms for Customer Churn Prediction: A Kaggle Dataset Case Study

Anggraeni Xena Paradita, Nathifa Agustiana, Asriana, Putri Utami Rukmana, Putri Nelsa, Muharman Lubis (Author)


Performance Analysis Algorithm Deep Learning For Introduction Face

Mega Marisani Ziraluo, Wanayumini, Rika Rosnelly (Author)


Improved GrabCut Algorithm for Classify Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Nia Saurina, Nur Chamidah, Riries Rulaningtyas, Aryati (Author)


Machine Learning Model for Diabetes Prediction Using Parallel Computing: Comparative Study

Shahd Alsaleh, Maha Alsayed, Ghadi Alkehily, Taif Alahmadi, Lina Alref, Malak Aljabri (Author)


Analysis of Security Hotspots in Diploma 3 Information Technology Program's Final Project at Del Institute of Technology

Hernawati Susanti Samosir, Muhammad Anis Al Hilmi, Yulanda Pasaribu, Salomo Gemayel Josep Sinambela, Vivaldi Adventus Simangunsong, Benyamin Sibarani, Yen Rylin Hutasoit (Author)


Cultural Enrichment Through AI-Generated Arabic Comics

Hassan Alseyhah, Mohammed Alshabrawi, Mohamed Aljudaibi, Rayyan Reda (Author)


Comparison of CNN Method Architecturesin Arabic Sign Language Image Classification

Ade Umar Ramadhan, Nida Muhliya Barkah, Shofwatul 'Uyun (Author)


Review of Internet of Things System onAtmospheric Corrosion Monitoring

Muhammad Awwaludin, Sri Hastuty, Akhmad Sarif, Makmuri, Mustasyar Perkasa, Mochamad Hapis Paturahman, Andre Rifat Ariq Girasto, Nauval Bagus Maulana, Fatwa Khoirrun Nadhor (Author)


Support Vector Machine With Feature Selection Chi-Square On Analysis Twitter Sentiment

Alvinur Alvinur, Hartono, Zakarias Situmorang (Author)


Survey of authentication model for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Abdelilah El Ihyaoui, My Abdelkader Youssefi, Ahmed Mouhsen, Abdelhafid ELfarnane, Rachid Dakir (Author)


Analitical Convert Convensional Car toElectric Vehicle By Electrical Motor BLDC 5KW

Fuad Zainuri, Rahman Filzi, M Hidayat Tullah, Rahmat Noval, M. Todaru, Nicholas Pratama, Dandi Aria Wibowo, Arya Widi Saputra, Indra Pradipta Guniar (Author)


Preserving Karawitan through a Validated-Archive Web Based Digital Library

Arry Maulana Syarif, Candra Irawan, Ika Novita Dewi, Erlin Dolphina, Acun Kardianawati (Author)


Securing Data Files Using RSA-ElGamal and Diffie-Hellman Algorithms

Ameliana Sihotang, Rika Rosnelly, Zakarias Situmorang, Zakarias Situmorang, Zakarias Situmorang (Author)


Detection Of Worker Presence Using The YoloModel Based On Digital Image

Jazmi Matondang, Rika Rosnelly, Roslina (Author)


Optimization of Hyperparameters Introgression Algorithm for Prediction of Student Academic Performance

Muh Nur Aslam, Annida Rizki Luthfi Astuti, Shofwatul ‘Uyun (Author)


C-Thinking Game for Literacy Education: Computational Thinking Learning in Elementary School

Dian Syafitri, Kartika, Diah Supatmiwati, Baiq Deva Fitriana, Ismarmiaty (Author)


Preserving Sasak Lontar Heritage: Digital Image Enhancement using Active Contours

Muhammad Tajuddin, Andi Sofyan Anas, Ahmat Adil, Mardison (Author)


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