Preserving Bahasa Indonesia Through Translating Modality System in The English Classic Novel “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott in English into Bahasa Indonesia: Translation Studies on Translation Shift and Variation Meaning Realization

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Apriliana Hapsari
Galant Nanta Adhitya,
Eka Meysel Enjelin


English and Bahasa Indonesia have different ways to realize modality system. English has various modal verbs to express modality, whereas Bahasa Indonesia uses combination of auxiliary verbs, adverbs, and particle to express it. Therefore, the translation process of the modality from English to Bahasa Indonesia will realize shift, the small linguistic changes occurring in translation, and meaning variation. The shift and variation of modality system that will be analyzed in this research is the modality system used in the novel “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott that is translated into Bahasa Indonesia by three different translators and publishers. This research is descriptive-qualitative research that will show and describe the translation strategy used to translate modality in English into Bahasa Indonesia, the realization of modality in Bahasa Indonesia, and the quality of translation. It will apply the translation shift theory proposed by Catford, the concept of meaning variation in translation that is based on the SFL theory proposed by Halliday, and the concept of Translation Quality proposed by Nababan.


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