The Meaning of Communication Symbols in the Nyadran and Carnival Ceremonies of the Bregodo Troops as an Implementation of the Yogyakarta City Cultural Village
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Yogyakarta City's cultural villages possess significant potential for preserving local traditions and culture. The Nyadran Ceremony and the Bregodo Troop Carnival are exemplary traditions rich in symbolic meaning and cultural communication. Miliran Village, situated in Muja Muju Village (Kelurahan Muja Muju in Indonesian), Umbulharjo Sub- district, Yogyakarta City, is a pioneering cultural village. This community annually celebrates the Nyadran ceremony during the lunar months of Ruwah or Sya'ban. The ceremony in Miliran features a parade of Gunungan, which are conical containers filled with sticky rice and apem cakes, accompanied by Bregodo troops. This research aims to examine the communicative symbols embedded within these two traditions as a manifestation of Yogyakarta City's cultural village concept. Employing a qualitative ethnographic approach, data will be collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The anticipated outcome of this research is publication in the international proceedings of Universitas Respati Yogyakarta.