Representation Of Cyberbullying In Budi Pekerti Movie
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Cyberbullying is a serious and frequent problem in Indonesia. This is supported by the easier access to social media and weak moral and ethical education. The phenomenon was documented into a film entitled Budi Pekerti. This research aims to analyze the representation of cyberbullying in Budi Pekerti using John Fiske's semiotic approach. This movie was chosen as the object of research because it is relevant to the social issues that are rampant in the digital era. Through semiotic analysis, this research reveals how the film represents the phenomenon of cyberbullying at the level of reality, representation, and ideology. The results of this study show that Budi Pekerti portrays cyberbullying not only as an individual phenomenon but also a reflection of broader social dynamics. It is hoped that it can provide deeper insights into how film media can serve as a means of education and awareness about cyberbullying. As well as increasing the audience's awareness that cyberbullying has a serious impact on victims and how to contribute to efforts to tackle this issue.