How Does Digitalization of Public Relations in Indonesia?

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Nadila Natasya
Namira Putri
Tadiva Puja
Muchammad Nasucha


In the current digital era, the success of a public relations professional heavily relies on their ability to master various skill sets and understand the evolving dynamics in the digital world as the current invention of technology. This study aims to see the slight map of digital public relations trends in Jakarta particularly and investigate the digital PR competencies required in PR work in dealing with the terrain trend recently. A qualitative approach was used in this study which the data was collected through documents study of PR job recruitment of institutions ads and interview with PR practitioner in Jakarta. Finally, this research found that digital skills such as social media management and activities, data analysis, and digital content creation are crucial, also as the standard that needed to meet in this profession (Public Relations practitioner). Major institutions mentioned explicitly the digital skills for public relations position advertised on job vacancy ads that in line with the practitioners’ elucidation. Additionally, ethical aspects in PR practice remain a primary concern amid technological advancement of PR practitioners’ competencies in the digital era and can assist educational institutions in designing the relevant curricula to the recent needs of the PR industry.


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