Maternal Care for Pregnancy in Mrs. Y Third Trimester G1p0a0 Pregnant 33 Weeks With the Risk of Chronic Energy Deficiency
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Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) is a condition in which a pregnant woman experiences long-term or prolonged malnutrition (calories and protein). The risk of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) refers to a state where an individual is prone to suffering from CED. A person is said to be at risk of CED if their MUAC (Mid-Upper Arm Circumference) is less than 23.5 cm. Chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women can also be understood as a condition where the mother experiences a lack of protein and energy intake during pregnancy, which can lead to health issues for both the mother and the fetus. The aim of this research is to Able to provide maternity care for "Mrs. Y G1P0A0 at 33 weeks of pregnancy in accordance with maternity service standards. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using a case study approach. Meanwhile, the design employs field observational methods. methods were carried out through interviews and analysis of midwifery documentation. Data analysis was obtained from a case study research by creating a narrative from the results of observations and descriptive analysis. Chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women can lead to low birth weight (LBW), premature delivery, and an increased risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Mrs. Y has been provided with nutrition information and iron tablet supplementation, nutritional counseling for pregnant women, balanced nutrition campaigns, promotion of family nutrition awareness, activities for pregnant women classes, and enhancing the organization of antenatal activities at community health centers to improve the condition of chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women.