The Contribution Of Various Diseases On Urinary Incontinence and It’s Construction (Kegel Exercise) In Elderly At Sasana Tresna Werdha Of Karya Bhakti Ria Pembangunan Jakarta

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Merry Delyka


According to the World Health Organization, in 2013 the proportion of the elderly population was 11.7% of the world's total population. Indonesia in 2010 included a large country with the largest number of elderly population in the world, reaching 18.1 million (9.6%). Physiological changes occur in the elderly due to the aging process, in the urinary system there is a decline in function so that it can cause urinary incontinence (IU). As many as 200 million people in the world spend on urinary incontinence. In Indonesia in 2006 around 5.8% of the population used urinary incontinence and the prevalence was higher in the elderly population. Urinary incontinence also depends on the presence of certain diseases that can worsen the condition. Management of non-pharmacological urinary incontinence can be done with Kegel exercises, so that the pelvic muscles become stronger. This study aims to study the contribution of disease to urinary incontinence and its prevention with kegel exercises in the elderly at Sasana Tresna Werdha Karya Bhakti Ria Pembangunan Jakarta in 2018.The research method is quasy experiment with the design of one group pre-test post-test, the number is 62 with a sample of 34 people according to the inclusion criteria. Data collection uses registration books, medical records, databases, questionnaires and observation sheets. Data analysis using chi square. The results showed that the research related to IU after performing Kegel exercises was ARI/ Pneumonia (p value 0.033), Stroke (p value 0.020) and Constipation (p value 0.000). As the conclusion,exercises can reduce urinary incontinence in the elderly and is approved to be done regularly and can be applied in daily exercise activities.


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How to Cite
The Contribution Of Various Diseases On Urinary Incontinence and It’s Construction (Kegel Exercise) In Elderly At Sasana Tresna Werdha Of Karya Bhakti Ria Pembangunan Jakarta. (2024). ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Applied Science, 1(1), 94-97.

How to Cite

The Contribution Of Various Diseases On Urinary Incontinence and It’s Construction (Kegel Exercise) In Elderly At Sasana Tresna Werdha Of Karya Bhakti Ria Pembangunan Jakarta. (2024). ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Applied Science, 1(1), 94-97.