The Effect of Woolwich Massage Onbreast Milk Expression in Post Partum Motherat the Kombo Community Health Center in 2024
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Exclusive breastfeeding for six months has been proven scientifically can meet the nutritional needs of babies. Lactation is the entire breastfeeding process that starts from the production of breast milk until the baby sucks and swallows breast milk. The lactation process is greatly influenced by the hormone prolactin and oxytocin as a stimulation of breast milk production. One attempt to stimulate The hormones prolactin and oxytocin provides a relaxing sensation to the mother, namely by doing a Woolwich massage. This research aims to find out the effect of Woolwich massage on breast milk production at the Kombo Community Health Center. The benefit is to help mothers increase their breast milk production and hopefully provide exclusive breastfeeding for six months. Method This research uses a pre-experimental method with a design one-group pre-test and post-test design. Sampling technique in research This is Accidental Sampling (Non-Probability) with a purposive method sampling. This research sample consisted of 39 samples. Data collection is carried out at Kombo Community Health Center using observation sheets and sheets questionnaire in June - July 2024. Data analysis used the Mc Nemar Test. Results show the ρ value when providing the Woolwich Massage technique, namely ρ value is 0.000 (ρ<0.05) which means there is an influence on this action on breast milk production in postpartum mothers. There is an influence of the Woolwich Massage technique on breast milk production in postpartum mothers at the Kombo Community Health Center.