Finding The Best Understandability for AndroidGUI Architectural Application Using Empirical Evaluation

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Yhudha Juwono
Umi Laili Yuhana


Software Understandability is a pivotal concept emphasizing the need for a system to be presented in a manner that engineers can effortlessly comprehend. When a system is inherently understandable, engineering operations become streamlined, promoting efficiency in the development process. The significance of code understanding cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts productivity, reduces errors, and fosters an environment conducive to innovation. This paper delves into the realm of software understandability, placing a specific focus on two mobile-based development architectures: MVVM and VIPER. These architectures are recognized for their ability to break down software components with enhanced abstractions, contributing to a more coherent development structure. The primary objective of this research is to quantitatively measure the best understandability between MVVM and VIPER through the application of measurement metrics extracted from both projects using MetricReloaded and SonarQube. Upon analysis, the measurement results reveal that VIPER demonstrates superior understandability when compared to MVVM. This finding underscores the potential of VIPER to not only facilitate a more comprehensible development process but also to serve as a catalyst for increased innovation within the realm of software development.


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How to Cite
Finding The Best Understandability for AndroidGUI Architectural Application Using Empirical Evaluation. (2024). ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Computer Science, 1(1), 71-75.

How to Cite

Finding The Best Understandability for AndroidGUI Architectural Application Using Empirical Evaluation. (2024). ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Computer Science, 1(1), 71-75.