An Evaluation of the Preparation Financial Reports for BUMKal Agung Sejahtera Yogyakarta

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Poly Endrayanto Eko Poly Endrayanto Eko
Andre Kussuma Adiputra
V. Wiratna Sujarweni
Frida Aini Nastiti
Bella Madiana Sumadi


This research aims to evaluate the preparation of financial reporting at BUMKal Agung Sejahtera Yogyakarta by considering several aspects, including the compliance of financial statements with applicable accounting standards, the understanding of financial staff regarding those standards, as well as the process and quality of data in the preparation of reports. The method used is a qualitative case study, which explores phenomena within the context of real life. The research results show that BUMKal Agung Sejahtera has prepared financial statements in accordance with SAK EMKM, applied the principles of recognition and measurement on an accrual basis, and separated business transactions from the owner. The recognition of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses is carried out based on clear criteria, ensuring the relevance and understandability of the information presented. The financial position report and the income statement are prepared with the appropriate classifications, providing an accurate picture of the entity's performance. Thus, BUMKal Agung Sejahtera meets the SAK EMKM requirements, providing useful information for stakeholders' decision-making.


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