ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Social Science, the official proceeding, is published to advance original (not previously published) work of exceptional quality and interest related to social science studies from all parts of the world without regard to substantive focus, theoretical orientation, or methodological approach. Although theoretically ambitious, empirically grounded articles are the core of our publication, we also publish agenda-setting essays, critical reflections on the research act, and interventions into substantive areas or theoretical debates intended to push the field forward.

Published: 2024-12-23

The Influence of Mother-Child Interpersonal Communication on the Prevention of Sexual Violence

Frisca Priscilia Leda Frisca Priscilia Leda , Mohammad Solihin, Bambang Srigati (Author)


Sustainability in Accounting: Disclosure of Accounting Information Related to Climate Change

Frida Aini Nastiti, Khaula Lutfiati Rohmah, Bella Madiana Sumadi, Berlian Nagita Musak (Author)


Unala Attempt In Realizing The Third Sdgs (Well-Being And Health) For Women In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta

Tanti Nurgiyanti, Diansari Solihah Amini, Fatika Sinta Rizka Aisya, Apuhori Moni Hamakonda (Author)


The Creation of Humor in Ronny Chieng: Asian Comedian Destroys America!

Tri Septa Nurhantoro, Yohannes Angie Kristiawan, Yanus Purwansyah Sriyanto, Mira Novanda, Margaretha Resa Petria (Author)


The Effect of Firm Size, Firm Age, and Institutional Investor on Environmental Social Disclosure (ESG)

Wayan Putri Lioni, Khaula Lutfiati Rohmah, Frida Aini Nastiti (Author)


The Impact of Task-Based Language Teaching to Students’ Speaking Skill of Domby Kid’s Hope

Yohanes Angie Kristiawan, Galant Nanta Adhitya, Afiatun Nur Hasanah, Sisilia Endah Lestari (Author)


An Evaluation of the Preparation Financial Reports for BUMKal Agung Sejahtera Yogyakarta

Poly Endrayanto Eko Poly Endrayanto Eko , Andre Kussuma Adiputra, V. Wiratna Sujarweni, Frida Aini Nastiti, Bella Madiana Sumadi (Author)


Digital Marketing Upskilling Training for the Marketing Team at Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Andre Kussuma Adiputra, Tri Septa Nurhantoro, Warhi Pandapotan Rambe, Bagus Subekti Nuswantoro, Galuh Pinasthi Utami (Author)


The Role Of Sekolah Ekspor Lacorre In Increasing The Export Of Indonesian Fashion Products In The Global Market

Apu Hori Moni Hamakonda, Tanti Nurgiyanti, Harits Dwi Wiratmaa (Author)


Implementation of Calculating Cost of Goods Sold for MSMEs: Challenges and Solutions in Training Program

Bella Madiana Sumadi, Khaula Lutfiati Rohmah, Frida Aini Nastiti , Berlian Nagita Musak, Nur Azizah Putri Sabila (Author)


Autopsy of Forensic Communication Messages Letter Mutilation Perpetrators

Fajar Dwi Putra, Andi Alimuddin Unde, Hafied Cangara, Andi Sofyan, Sadriyani Pertiwi Saleh (Author)


The Program Of Sekolah Ekspor In Enhancing Indonesia’s Trade Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Fatika Sinta Rizka Aisya, Tanti Nurgiyanti, Bagus Subekti Nuswantoro (Author)


Sustainability in Accounting: Disclosure of Accounting Information Related to Climate Change

Frida Aini Nastiti, Khaula Lutfiati Rohmah, Bella Madiana Sumadi, Berlian Nagita Musak (Author)


(Un) Filteted Expression: Juxtaposing American and Indonesia Male Beauty YouTubers

Galant Nanta Adhitya, Yohanes Angie Kristiawan, Rudy Rudy, Anna Sriastuti, Simon Ntamwana (Author)


The Role of Walking-Walking Tour in the Development Model of Wellness Tourism for Children with Special Needs in Lendah, Kulonprogo from A Human Right Perspective

Harits Dwi Wiratma, Diansari Solihah Amini, Bagus Subekti N, Tanti Nurgiyanti, Nur Annisa, Meyra Marianti (Author)


How Does Digitalization of Public Relations in Indonesia?

Nadila Natasya, Namira Putri, Tadiva Puja, Muchammad Nasucha (Author)


Cyber Counseling Approach Blp Unisa Yogyakarta as a Method to Improve Guidance and Counseling Services for Students

Neqmatul Auliya, Ade Putranto Prasetyo Wijiharto ), Ade Putranto Prasetyo Wijiharto (Author)


Unala Attempt In Realizing The Third Sdgs (Well-Being And Health) For Women In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta

Tanti Nurgiyanti, Diansari Solihah Amini, Fatika Sinta Rizka Aisya, Apuhori Moni Hamakonda (Author)


Analysis of the Role of Storytelling through Social Media in Preserving Traditional Culture

Anggun Anindya Sekarningrum, R. Arditya Mutwara Lokita, Gusti Yazid Mahardika, Darma Saputra (Author)


Forming An Optimal Portfolio by Applying the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Approach Based on The Single Index Model

Andre Kussuma Adiputra, V. Wiratna Sujarweni, Poly Endrayanto Eko Christmawan (Author)
