Autopsy of Forensic Communication Messages Letter Mutilation Perpetrators

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Fajar Dwi Putra
Andi Alimuddin Unde
Hafied Cangara
Andi Sofyan
Sadriyani Pertiwi Saleh


This study analyzes forensic communication messages in letters written by mutilators, a case that has caused widespread concern in the community, especially Yogyakarta in 2023. The background of this study is the increasing use of written communication in criminal acts, which, until now, is not a specific method, so it requires a new analytical approach to understand the motives and intentions of the perpetrators. The formulation of the problem raised is how forensic communication message autopsy can reveal the hidden meaning and psychological context of the message conveyed by the perpetrator in the letter. The research method used is qualitative with a Hermeneutics of Suspicious approach to reveal hidden meanings in texts, behaviors, or social phenomena. The results of this study show that the message in the letter does not contain manipulative elements, regret, and symbolism are explained as the psychological condition of the perpetrator. The research results also reveal communication patterns that show a lack of planning. The conclusion of this study highlights the importance of forensic communication analysis in helping law enforcement understand the context and ethical motivations behind criminal acts. These findings have significant implications for the development of forensic communication message autopsy methods that are more effective in handling similar cases in the future.


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