The Role of Walking-Walking Tour in the Development Model of Wellness Tourism for Children with Special Needs in Lendah, Kulonprogo from A Human Right Perspective

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Harits Dwi Wiratma
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Tanti Nurgiyanti
Nur Annisa
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This research aims to understand the contribution of Walking-Walking Tour, as a non-state actor, to tourism activities related to the development model of wellness tourism for children with special needs in Lendah, Kulon Progo, from a human rights perspective. Tourism is one of the rights for all citizens, including inclusive groups or children with special needs (CSN). The objective of this research is to examine the role of walking tours in the development model of wellness tourism for children with special needs in Lendah, Kulon Progo, from a human rights perspective and to explore the relationship and development of the wellness tourism industry concerning children with special needs (CSN). The method used is descriptive qualitative, utilizing primary data collection through interviews and related documents.


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